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Singles1. Milana Montini (HC) def. Theresa Walters (K) 8-0
2. Ella Mancini (HC) def. Isabelle Acevedo (K) 8-0
3. Julia Benvegnu (HC0 def. Irene Once (K) 8-5
4. Erda Metani (11) def. Cailyn Gorman (HC) 8-3

1. Kaya Bonderenko and Jayme Erdtmann (HC) def. Gabriella Acevedo and Madison Creaven (K) 8-2
2. Caitlyn Coletti and Julia Bell (HC) def. Bahara Gjonbalaj and Jasmine Lawrence (K) 8-0
3. CC Bunlue and Maddy Capozzi (HC) def. Kyleigh Gorman and Sueha Chowdhury (K) 8-1
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