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Westbrook 7, Platt Tech 0

    1    Elliot Koplas (Westbrook) def Kyle Droney (Platt Tech), 8-0
    2    Josh Davey (Westbrook) def. Joshiah Tilghman (Platt Tech), 8-6
    3    Enzo Adorno (Westbrook) def Erick Sanchez (Platt Tech), 8-1
    4    Miles Hayden (Westbook) def Paul Corsini (Platt Tech), 8-3
    5    Jason Calgoine (West Haven) def Jaiden Harrison (Platt Tech), 8-4

1. Ryan Engels 8-1and John Freund (Westbrook) def. Richie Wermuth and Jaiden Harrison (Platt Tech), 8-0
2. Trevor Jones and Jon Brajczeski (Westbrook) def. Donovan Huggett and Evan Santoro (Platt Tech), 8-1
3. Dev Patel and Gareth Antunes (Westbrook) def Chris Hernandez and Caleb Adusei (Platt Tech), 8-2
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