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Waterfordhosted Lyman Memorial on April 14, 2023 & won the match 6-1.

S1 Ian Balfour (W) lost to Ryan Miller 6-4, 1-6, 0-6.
S2 Cristos Matsas (W) defeated Max Ponte 6-0, 6-0.
S3 Peter Colonis (W) defeated Joey Michele 6–0, 6-0.
S4 Noah Westkott (W) defeated Aidan Laws 6-0, 6-0.

D1 Quinn LeBelle & Louis Dhervilly (W) defeated Blake Susman &
          Brad Lee 6-0, 6-0.
D2 Colton Murch & Adam Balfour (W) defeated Ethan Benoit &
          Body Raymond 6-0, 6-1.
D3 Jayden Campisi & Michael Gialpis (W) defeated Collin Fonseca &
           Aaron Rodriguez 6-2, 6-0.
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